In this regard, both sides welcomed the cooperation on civil nuclear energy and signing of a joint statement on civil nuclear power. 双方均欢迎在民用核电领域开展合作,双方签署并发表了民用核能合作联合声明。
We signed the China-Pakistan Joint Statement and announced the establishment of the leaders'annual meeting mechanism and the foreign ministers'dialogue mechanism. 中巴发表了《联合声明》,宣布建立两国领导人年度会晤机制和外长对话机制。
Pursuant to the April 13, 2013 Joint Statement, the Working Group reviewed existing bilateral programs and initiatives related to climate change. 根据2013年4月13日联合声明,工作组回顾了与气候变化相关的现有双边项目和倡议。
In a joint statement to People Magazine, the couple said they'd always be best friends. 这对夫妇在《人物周刊》上发布的联合声明中称,他们仍然是好朋友。
During my visit, I had in-depth and candid talks with government leaders of the UK. The two countries issued a joint statement. 此次访英,我同贵国政府领导人进行了深入坦诚的会谈,两国发表了中英联合声明。
Both sides welcomed the Joint Statement on Climate Change released during the summit. 二十八、双方欢迎两国领导人会晤期间发表气候变化联合声明。
"This technique is not a solution to the problem," Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said in a joint statement. 美国国国土安全部部长珍妮特和内政部秘书萨拉查在一份联合声明中说,这项技术并不能完全解决问题。
Meanwhile, India and China issued a joint statement on climate change earlier this month that included a pledge to submit plans on their own carbon targets before the Paris conference. 与此同时,印度和中国本月早些时候发表了一份有关气候变化的联合声明,其中包括在巴黎会议之前提交它们自己的碳排放目标的承诺。
In a joint statement, Japan's Premier Mori and French President Jacques Chirac said they accepted that many people were worried by the growing globalisation of the world economy. 在一份联合声明中,日本首相森喜朗和法国总统希拉克称他们认识到许多人对世界经济全球化的担忧。
North Korea has to live up to its commitments in the joint statement and take concrete steps to denuclearize. 北朝鲜必须履行它在共同声明上的承诺并且采取切实的步骤解除核武器。
The joint statement on cyber security sends a strong signal about the two nations 'commitment to work together to counter and respond to cyber attacks, Panetta said. 帕内塔说,关于网络安全的联合声明发出了一个强烈的信号,表明了这两个国家对共同努力以反击和应对网络攻击的承诺。
The little-noticed deal was announced in a curt sentence in the joint statement of outcomes under the US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue, but analysts said it removed a key barrier to market entry. 这份几乎无人注意的协议,只是在中美两国就美中战略经济对话(SED)成果发表的联合声明里简单地提了一句,但分析师表示,它消除了外资进入中国车险市场的关键障碍。
This joint statement was issued on the occasion of Russia entirely completing its troop withdrawal from the three Baltic Sea countries. 这项联合声明是在俄罗斯全部完成了从波罗的海三国的撤军之际发表的。
Unusually, a joint statement by the leaders was delayed while talks continued through Thursday night and Friday morning. 然而不同寻常的是,谈判一直从周四晚进行到周五早晨,两国领导人的联合声明也被推迟。
In a joint statement, the so-called BRICs Nations said that there was an urgent need to "better reflect economic weights" and to "enhance the voice and representation of emerging market and developing countries" at the IMF. 这些所谓的“金砖国家”在一份联合声明中表示,迫切需要“更好地体现经济权重”,“提高新兴市场和发展中国家在imf的发言权和代表性”。
The IMF directors for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa known as the BRICS nations reiterated this in a joint statement issued Tuesday. 周二,金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国及南非)在货币基金组织的执行董事在一份联合声明中重申了这一点。
The deal would allow Google to "supercharge" its Android operating system, the joint statement said. 联合声明中说,这笔交易将使Google能够牢牢掌控自己的安卓(Android)开放系统。
In a joint statement, the two exchanges said they would would gradually extend their co-operation to the development of ETFs on bonds and gold, as well as cross listings. 两家交易所在一份联合声明中表示,它们将逐步扩大在债券和黄金ETF产品开发、以及交叉上市等领域的合作。
The two presidents issued a joint statement. 两位总统发表了一项联合声明。
Make a joint statement repudiating this accord. 一起发表一个联合声明来批判这次的协议。
The joint statement will be submitted to the World Summit on sustainable development and to the World Water Forum to be held in Japan in2003. 联合声明将提交在约翰内斯堡举行的可持续发展世界首脑会议和2003年在日本举行的世界水论坛。
The international broadcasters released a joint statement Friday accusing Iran of jamming their shared satellite. 这三家国际广播电视电台星期五发表联合声明,指责伊朗干扰它们共享的卫星信号。
While some issues remain, we have charted a path forward to resolve them in the context of a comprehensive and balanced outcome, the countries 'trade ministers said in a joint statement. 12国贸易部长在联合声明中表示:尽管仍然存在一些问题,但我们已画出了解决问题的路线图,以求达成一个全面而均衡的结果。
"The ruling swings the pendulum back," the French environment and transport ministers, Jean-Louis Borloo and Dominique Bussereau, said in a joint statement. 法国的环境和运输部长,简-路易斯博洛和多米尼克布斯洛,在一个联合声明中说“裁定像钟摆一样摇摆不定”。
The two countries put out a five-point joint statement pledging to work together on a variety of issues. 这两个国家提出了五点联合声明,保证就各种问题共同努力。
Joint statement on the strategic stability cooperation initiative; 关于战略稳定合作倡议的联合声明;
Joint statement on common interests; 关于共同关心问题的联合声明;
In a joint statement, it was announced that a Joint Commission for Reconciliation and Peace in Afghanistan is to be created. 双方在一项联合声明中宣布将成立阿富汗和解与和平联合委员会。
The two sides said in a joint statement they would "initiate the internal procedures necessary to launch negotiations on a transatlantic trade and investment partnership". 双方在该联合声明中说,他们将“启动必要的内部程序,以便就‘跨大西洋贸易和投资伙伴关系’(transatlantictradeandinvestmentpartnership)展开谈判”。
A joint statement was issued by both parties in the merger. 合并双方发表了联合声明。